The Koma people, renowned for their authentic lifestyle mountainous area is unique. The Koma, farmers refugees in the Mountains Alantika ("Allah Ntikan" in the local language which means "reached by God alone") under the pressure of the Fulani invasion, retained its ancient civilization, away from the main lines of communication. In this cultural sanctuary, the people simply dressed in loincloths, reinvented every day the fire, thanks to the magic of flint.
The temperature of the montain sometimes reaches Alantika 5 degrees, and the sun scorching which falls on these mountains is during the dry season, a considerable obstacle for agriculture.Salt, rice, and other foods, are among others who are pleasure to present Koma mountain.It is not advisable to give them clothes, afraid to acculturate and greatly contribute to the devaluation of their traditions.For people in good physical condition, this circuit requires a lot of stamina. A sensational challenge any man should overcome at least once in his life to gauge its ability to face danger and brave the most dangerous events.Mountains in Alantika, climbs or descents are sometimes steep, but everyone can do it at their own pace. Porters and trackers accompany always slower as the fastest.Every day, taking the breakfast is very morning followed by departure for hiking, with small stops and longer in the middle of the morning.Around noon, lunch, rest (nap) and the decline of the sun to 15:30 departure for about two hours of walking in beautiful scenery, tinted ocher end of the day. Nights in tents, often near a village.